The organization relies on two main strategic pillars to deliver its vision and mission that are:
A. Service provision pillar: the organization established drop-in centers and community-based centers in different informal areas in Cairo and Alexandria to provide stigma-free, comprehensive package of services including psychosocial, legal, medical services as well as voluntarily testing and counseling for HIV and other blood-borne diseases. These services target mainly women in their diversity including survivors of violence, domestic workers, people living with HIV, key populations and their partners. To provide impactful services, the organization applies robust case management system that allows service providers in the organization to trace changes and make informed decisions regarding the cases and services that beneficiaries need to be enrolled in etc.

B. building strategic partnerships and strengthening the institutional capacities of the relevant actors: the second strategic pillar is building on Al Shehab longstanding experiences and emphasizes on strengthening the institutional relationship with different services providers including governmental entities such as the Ministry of Health and Population and Ministry of Social Solidarity as well as with Civil Society Organizations to transform these organizations’ available services to be significantly responsive for vulnerable populations. Tangibly, El Shehab Foundation signed an MOU with MoHP represented by Assistant Minister of Health that booster the relationship between El Shehab Foundation and MoHP to better address the needs of most excluded and vulnerable populations, in addition, several protocols with NGO’s who provide services without stigma and discrimination in greater Cairo, Alexandria, Fayoum, Minya, Sharqiyah and Ismailia. As a result, over the past three years, Al Shehab strengthening the capacities of more than 15 NGOS in 7 governorates to provide quality services for the different beneficiaries and groups.
Legal service
Legal service is considered one of the most attractive services among beneficiaries because it provides the right legal advice for El Shehab Foundation target groups. The Legal support includes different services such as legal education and consultation, support to issue official documents and representation in lawsuits.
Psychological service
This service aiming to provide individual psychological support and group therapy to the target groups particularly who had experienced physical and sexual violence. The goal is to help them overcome the psychological issues they faced as a result of these traumatic experiences.
Medical services (Gynecologist):
This service aiming to provide health education about hygiene and safe sex practices. The gynecologists conduct screening for STIs and educate patients about STI prevention. The patients also receive knowledge about contraception and are offered all contraceptive methods appropriate to their needs.
VCT service
Voluntary Counseling and Testing (VCT) is a crucial service provided by El Shehab Foundation, to address the growing importance of HIV/AIDS prevention, care, and support. VCT is a voluntary process that offers individuals the opportunity to receive confidential counseling and undergo HIV testing. The primary aim of VCT is to encourage individuals to make informed decisions about their sexual health by providing them with accurate information, risk assessment, and guidance. The service is designed to promote HIV/AIDS awareness and encourage responsible behavior, including safer sexual practices and regular testing.