Through the health program, EL Shehab Foundation works to provide health support, especially in the field of reproductive health, and to work with people most at risk and those living with HIV, with partnerships and support from the National AIDS Program and civil society organizations, with the aim of eliminating the AIDS virus by 2030, in accordance with the directions of the Egyptian state and society. Global .
Health programe

1. Legal Empowerment of Most Vulnerable Groups and People Living with HIV – Egypt (2009-2011) – Ford Foundation.
The project seeks to innovate new tools to develop legal and human rights intervention among the most vulnerable groups by enabling field researchers to become familiar with and familiar with the human rights and legal principles related to human rights and protection The legal requirements established under international conventions, declarations, and Egyptian laws are specific in light of the violations, stigma, and discrimination to which groups most vulnerable to infection with HIV and people living together are exposed . The project incorporated the human rights approach into field work with the most vulnerable groups and people living in Cairo and Alexandria governorates and enabled field researchers to be able to include legal and human rights messages in the field and provide them with the legal skills that It enables them to carry out their mission and emphasize their right to awareness and the right of the most vulnerable groups to obtain the correct information and protect them from exposure to infection with the AIDS virus to reduce the exposure of the groups most vulnerable to infection with the disease from violations Educating them about the legal measures that can be taken when exposed to violations resulting from stigma and discrimination, so the target can exercise his legal rights himself or access these rights and the parties with whom he can communicate

2. A project to strengthen and expand legal services related to AIDS and access to treatment (2012-2016) International Development Law Organization IDLO
The project aimed to provide protection and promote the human rights of people living with HIV and the most vulnerable groups within the framework of the national strategic plan of the Egyptian Ministry of Health by strengthening the capabilities of legal and health service providers to improve the quality of services provided to living people. The project succeeded in creating a package of training for 20 lawyers on the rights of people living in accordance with the national plan of the Ministry of Health and various service delivery skills. Providing legal support and advice to people living in Cairo – Alexandria – Minya. Holding a round table between the various concerned parties, led by the National AIDS Control Programme, to create an environment supportive of the rights of people living together.

3. Project to eliminate the phenomenon of early marriage of girls and the exploitation of those exposed to it (2014-2017) – Sawa AIDS
The project aimed to identify societal problems related to the phenomenon of early marriage of girls, the exploitation of girls who work in informal work (such as street vendors), and to qualify them for alternative formal job opportunities، This is within the framework of the national strategy to combat human trafficking decided by the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in addition to holding meetings and meetings with concerned parties related to the problem to coordinate with them and create a referral network for those exposed to violence and human trafficking and raise awareness The dangers of early marriage، These parties are represented in the National Council for Motherhood and Childhood – The National Coordinating Committee to Combat Human Trafficking in the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs – Ministry of Social Solidarity – Egyptian Ministry of Health and the Egyptian National Program to Combat AIDS – Working NGOs With the woman. In addition to training trained female health visitors with the aim of spreading awareness of the dangers of early marriage, sexually transmitted diseases, and reproductive health.

4. Expanding HIV prevention among sex workers in Greater Cairo (2016-2017) UNFPA Egypt In order to eliminate women’s exposure to HIV/AIDS
This project aimed to emphasize the goals of empowering women and the ability to access and obtain various support services, ranging from psychological, social, legal, and voluntary counselling to testing for HIV and blood-borne diseases, as well as Referral to other service providers. During 2016 and 2017, the project reached 1,600 women in the field and their knowledge of HIV prevention improved. In addition, 450 women received the legal, psychological, social, counselling and testing services provided by the project.

5. Strengthening the response to HIV and tuberculosis in Egypt (2019-2022) – United Nations Development Programme.
The project seeks to expand access for key population groups (particularly commercial sex workers) to HIV-related services, including prevention, testing, treatment, and the provision of services that respond to their needs. Support reduction strategies It is stigma and discrimination among health care workers as well as influential actors such as religious leaders and media workers to improve strategic HIV information by supporting its implementation of key studies And work to improve multisectoral participation related to HIV

6. Promoting access to prevention services for the most vulnerable women (2019-2022) – UNAIDS
As part of expanding the scope of the response to HIV, El-Shehab identified and built the capabilities of 5 civil society organizations to work in 5 Egyptian governorates: Cairo, Alexandria, Fayoum, Minya, and Sharqia, where El-Shehab implemented 12 training days in each governorate on various topics, including access, referral to case management centers, how to provide a package of services that respond to their needs, monitoring and evaluation. The partner selection process was based on the development of calls for proposals in collaboration with UNAIDS / AIDS – Egypt office and selection of partners based on their technical and financial capabilities after conducting an institutional and financial evaluation using standardized tools.

7. Project to continue providing health care to women and men released in (2020-2022) – United Nations Office on Crime and Drugs
Connecting released prisoners to health services is extremely important in improving their lives. These services will not only help released prisoners receive the services they started in enclosed spaces but will also help them access services that are not available in a closed environment such as needle exchange programs ، Condoms, drug addiction treatment, and other sexual and reproductive health services.
The project worked to reach the released women and men in the governorates of (Cairo – Fayoum – Alexandria) and refer them to reception centers to conduct the necessary examinations for communicable and non-communicable diseases through trained doctors, and then the project worked To integrate them into health education circles that address topics on infectious and non-communicable diseases, perhaps the most important of which is HIV, methods of transmission, prevention and treatment, and providing a package of services that respond to their needs , The project succeeded in concluding a cooperation protocol with the Mersal Foundation to refer male and female beneficiaries who need medical intervention at all levels. The project succeeded in reaching 1,043 released persons and benefited from the services provided.

8. Project to mitigate structural and behavioural barriers and increase access and use of vulnerable groups and people living with HIV to high-quality prevention and treatment services (2019 – 2022) – France Expertise 5% initial
The project has worked and continues to work to address the stigma, discrimination and human rights violations to which the most vulnerable groups and those infected with HIV are exposed ، especially within the framework of health care and working to enable key populations and people living with HIV to access high-quality health care services (including prevention, treatment and care). In three governorates (Greater Cairo, Alexandria, and Ismailia). Moreover ، the project addresses the institutional capacities of relevant NGOs and healthcare providers (in both government and private institutions) as secondary beneficiaries to create a supportive environment for people living with HIV and people living with HIV Humanity.

9. Contributing to civil society efforts to promote the rights of vulnerable women and girls in Egypt (2020-2022) – Spanish Cooperation.
This project was designed as an emergency humanitarian response to the Covid19 pandemic, which is unfolding globally and nationally, with a negative impact on poor, disadvantaged populations residing in slum areas who cannot afford the social distancing taken by the Egyptian government to contain Spread of the virus. Therefore, the core of this project is to address the health determinants among the poorest families in Izbet El Haggana by adapting some proposed interventions to reduce the impact of COVID-19. The project succeeded in providing an integrated medical service (home service) to more than 900 women, in addition to washing them on the Ministry of Health website to obtain the vaccine.